thrown into neuro

major stuff happened over the past few days. my lil bro got admitted in the hospital, bc of headaches and dizziness. after 3 times visiting the hospy within 4 days, my mom was hard on those docs to find out what was causing these headaches, dizziness, and unstability. docs eventually said that he had a possible av fistula. i couldnt believe my ears when i heard my mom explain to me what had happened to my dearest bro. there is nobody like my lil bro in my life and to find out that he had something wrong w his brain, was unbelievable. after i spoke to my mom i started crying. i couldnt believe what was happening. when did my brother end up in the hospital? what is all of this?! my brother? NO!!!! what is an av fistula? what causes it? what in the world is happening? in one month, 2 health scares? what is happening? Type 1 Diabetes and now an av fistula? I could not believe it. 
I tried to calm myself down as i googled what an av fistula was. its an abnormal connection between an artery and a vein in the brain that can lead extra pressure into the brain or heart. An angiogram was scheduled to be performed to get a better look at the brain. Results could be that it can be ruptured, or he can have an aneurysm. Im sure there are many more results but i was already scared. 
that evening i rushed to the hospital to see my bro and i kissed him and hugged him as i saw him laying in the hospital. i couldnt believe that a 14 yr old had to go thru so much. the diabetes was enough to deal with and now this?!!! 
but he did it w swag, if i must say. 
He still had his mellow talk and tried his best to stay strong. 
My job there was to give him as much love as i could, tho he hates me being affectionate w him but i didnt care. i also joked around alot with him to make him laugh. he loved that. i spend the night w him and i didnt mind at all. i love me bro. i also made sure that i prayed w him that night altho my other didnt want to join in w us. i still prayed tho. i was scared to pray but then im glad i did pray anyway. i dont know why i feel so ashamed around them when i shouldnt be. anyways i prayed for my bro and told him to try to sleep. 
i also made sure i told d and j to pray for him. i told d first then j. (thats another story bc i found out later that j was upset that it was hard for me to tell her the fam business yet i told d) anyways i slept that night and the following day was bros surgery. 
an angiogram is seeing the brain more better by running thru a vein from the groin straight up to the brain. that alone is crazy to me. there are surely risks to that as well. and there was a possibility based on the findings fr the angiogram that the doctors would block off the av fistula then. it was all so new and scary to us all. 
we were thrown into all this medical world once again. this time felt more real to me tho. I came to respect these doctors and nurses so much more. they really do take care of us. my pet peeve is when they rush and act all dumb when i ask them qs, but i was blessed to see some spectacular doctors and nurses. they took care of my bro. 
i saw neurosurgeons, anesthesiologist, rounds by docs in the morning, various rns that cared and was nice to my bro and all of us. i am so thankful. 
So before the surgery we met w the neurosurgeon who told us that the ct scans look abnormal and that it could be an av fistula. 
anyways, results fr the angiogram, during which we walked around worried as the surgery went on for an hour or so, but we came back to the recovery room and saw our bro laying and awake. i waved and smiled as i saw him. such a trooper. he was the youngest one in that recovery room. we passed elderly people all layed up on one side. what was he doing here, i thought to myself? idk. I just walked back to him and ofcourse gave him a kiss. 
So the news was that, docs said there is NO av fistula! can u believe that? NONE!!!! God worked a miracle! 
i was ecstatic! what? no av fistula? 
the nurses and docs looked happy too. the funniest part was to see the neurosurgoen pop thru the curtain and say Good News! Everything looks fine! there is no variable malformation of anything. what? omgosh! 
As we walked back to his room, i walked ahead of my mom, who to me didnt see the miracle but went on to worry about what was really causing my bros headaches and dizziness. i walked joyfully and in shock to know that God really performed a miracle here. 
Everyone was sooo set on in being an av fistula fr the ct scans. 
OOooooo!!! God showed off that day! 
he just showed off! thats all i can say.