Gut sadness

Aug 25-801pm, this feelings come over me of sadness or depression. Idk what to call it or what brought it on. Its been on me for maybe 2hours. I listened to some songs, i walked and prayed but its still there. What is up w me? Should my mind say, yep its a monday! Im tryna get out of these mindsets and strongholds. I dont want monday to be like this anymore. I want to walk victorious. Jesus help me. I also feel its bc i want someone to talk to or maybe bc ive been talkin to j alot and now i miss it or even maybe bc i had such a jam packed weekend, that now when its all done, idk what to do w myself, idk.its all of those combined. I need to go before the lord as d would say. Oh father help me.
912Pm- i prayed, i walked, i sat down and sang and i still feel this thing in my gut. What am i afraid of? What is going on? Im not sad or nothing is going on for me to feel this way. lord what is wrong? I feel it in my stomach. Like im punched in my stomach. What is going on? Why this feeling? What am i sad about? It feels like deep deep acid reflux or like i need to throw up. Oh jesus help me. Help me to look to u and not ppl and things. Let me remember nothing and no one can satisfy this need i have way down. Oh lord help me. Fill me up till i overflow. I wanna run over. I wanna run over.

Fast retreat rita

On the wednesday Before august26-So im startin a fast but im wanting to eat. I wanna ravish the pizza and sardine rice. Plus i didnt like that i didnt start the fast off right but nonetheless i shud keep it bc im expecting great things this weekend. GREAT out of this world blessings and breakthroughs!!! Why not? Gods already moved thru n and made me be able to go for 2 days so yeahhhh im gonna do my part even if its a late start so God can break the chains over my life. Tho my heads been hurting and my stomach is acting up i need to hold out. Like i read, i need to have mastery over my flesh and i need to yield myself over to God as well. I have many things that i need MAJOR change in and superatural intervention in. 1-these hm feelings/bondages!! I wanna be restored to my original identity. Lord do this change bc idk how else its gonna happen. And yeah lord, i wish d was there too so she can see me break down, but even so, if its you, do the real thing. If i gotta cry and breakdown at another time, then allow that w d, Lord. She means soooo much to me and i want her close to me when that happens. Shes put in the work w me and i feel she needs to be there and shes even said it. Please Lord, orchestrate it good. I know you have my best interest.
2-I NEED a financial breakthru. I need a great paying job or maybe two so i can fix my car and pay my loans. Ideally i want a job where i can move out on my own and support my own self!!

Friday night heat

About last friday aug 15- written on aug 19,1157pm.
Message on rom 6 or 7. Gods kindness leads to repentance. Judge not. Do u say not to steal but then u rob temples? Stubborn unyielding heart.
Everyone stood and prayed. She prayed for m and spouse. Then i think me, or me after, idk,
Touched my stomach and said loose her. Spirit of fear and anxiety loose her, panic attacks loose her. Touch right abdomen and back right lower and prayed.
Touch heart and said for me to hunger for God. His presence.
Touch mind that it would be covered by blood of Jesus.
Nothing and no one can take the place of God!!!
Give her the weapons to fight(touch hands fast)
Cleanse her fr top of head, shoulders to feet(grab two feet and hold for like 10sec)
Stop went off and pray, came back.
I prayed for God to cleanse me w hyssop, forgive me for i sinned against him.
Held my hands, finger locked, then her bag fell and she got distracted.
I Thought and prayed alone, didnt wanna stop.was sobbing or more sniffling, tears falling on shirt.
D came back and Told someone, k to hug me, hugged for a few seconds
Oh and thru all of this i was sweating. And oh d came one time and said she feels the heat/fire of God?i cant remember but she mentioned something ab it.
Oh she also said, God is working even tho i didnt fall down.
Stood by self after w hands still raised. Then wiped face, neck and sat down in a daze. There was a sensation in my chest near heart. I prayed in my mind for hunger for God.
After a few min as they talked i came out of it.
Went back home and as was in car, felt a lil heat on back of my shoulders.
Thank God for it. Want more tho d said its not ab feelings and emotions.  Mmm.

I LOVED ALL OF THAT. Tho i didnt expect that. Is it wrong to love it? Is it wrong to want all of Gods attention? Is it wrong to want ppl prophesying over you all the time?
Is it wrong to want d in my life so much?why do i always get soo attached to these good ppl? Then why cant i have them in my life forever? Why?!! I just want a good group of friends Lord. U know that! D, j, r, h, and add more father. Im tellin u what i want. Is it good? It feels right. If u see better, tho idk how, but if there is, send them my way or let me meet them. Tho i dont wanna push these friends away. I like it how it is, tho i do want us to hang more and get more intimate and spend more time together. Am i asking for too much? Im sorry. I just want it tho. Geez do i look bad? How come the world gets to hang w tons of friends,  and party w bunch of friends and vaca w tons of friends, yet these Christians,  i wont include myself cuz i want to, dont do diddle squat? !!!! Yo wassup w that?!! We aint dead to not be together in a godly way!!! What is up w these xns lord?!! Come on. I know we gotta pray and do quiet time but i aint tryna steal that, but can we get together and chill and laugh and cry and be real close friends?!!! Dang this always upsets me!!!
Please Lord help me w this!!! I want the constant true fellowshipping w d, r,j, and h. I mean something good and real. Am i thinking too much?am i not to want this?im sure as a mother i wud want the support of other mothers too. Where are the groups and circle of friends?!! Why do ppl stay to themselves?come onnnnn ppl!!!

Quick mess

Says Aug26-Messed up! W First 2 of the 3.
Im so mad and pissed off at myself. After getting past & thru last Saturday, where i thought for sure i was gonna throw in the towel and give up fo real, i was hopeful & determined i cud get thru anything! Now this! I am so mad at myself!!!!
It was like my mind cudnt slow down&i wasnt even thinking of the right things. Wasnt tryna fight it like the other times. It was so quick and fast. Ugh!!! Soo greedy and needy and desperate! I hate myself for this weakness i have.
One minute i think im getting better, only to find im still dumb and messed up in this area.
This was too quick of a mess up. Ive gone thru worst times & this shudda never happened!
I immediately felt bad after. I told God im sorry. I know u say my mind is weak and i never understood y u said that. But Now im startin to see y 😦
Didnt wanna tell u i fell,but then i think its better for me if i did, so i dont fool &isolate myself in thinking i cud handle it. Because Any chance or reasoning my mind gets to do it and rationalize it, it does it! So… idk..
I wanna leave myself w no excuses.
Im forcing myself to be accountable to you.
I have to get thru this.

Adults livin home

Aug 8,Here and watching breaking bad and thinking about my life and making my own choices. Then before that i watched madea gets a job and it brought up adults living w their parents and even that made me feel like crap. I really dont wanna be negative. But must i go there to feel some pain or get some change?
Break a lil. 5Min. Just thinking how nighttime brings on this agitation for wanting it. Then i think that i cant bother d anymore or so it seems. Gotta get this on my own or rather,”its my fight.” Dont like the quick answers and cliches. Ahh. I mean its prob ultimate true but its said so bluntly. I like the understanding and process of talk. Identify w how im feeling rather than just shooting out answers. Identify. And go slowww. Dont be so rapid and give me the solution. Pastor furticks been opening my eyes to the english language again. I love how he uses words and break down scripture. Wow, i wanna do that too. I love how he explains stuff slowly and brings us on a journey thru his sermons. I want ppl to deal w me patiently like that.
Aug 9-1023am sat in bed. On another note i wanna binge. I guess thats the word, binge! I wanna binge. I mean d dont gotta know. Yeah. U can see how pressing this is on me. And usually when its on me for long like this, i usually just indulge. I mean d said i have a weak mind, she says i cower to the enemy, that its my fight nobody else’s, when i hang up the phone its gonna be you alone, etc. I mean i hear her but damn, she was so straight to the point and like impatient. Like i gotta get this now. Like i need to do this alone. I understand but i dont really like it. I wonder if n would agree. Idk. Whatevs. Im just ab at the end and just reaching out for whatever. I dont got no job, bored outta my mind all days, my lil siblings are bugging my ass everyday, and i cant even get my own life together. I see my other sister doing better in a sense than me yet im the older one.
D!!! I need ur help!!! Someone text me, help me,pick me up, bring me out! !!
Break-15min close eyes thinkin, praying.
Idk if i can do this. I think when it boil down to it, im a sexual addict. Did anyone consider how long ive been in this world?for 24years straight? How am i supposed to come off cold turkey?? Why do ppl think i can fight this aloneeeeee? Y am i even humiliated to come back home and deal w this?at least over js i looked like i was moving forward by not living home!!!
30sec break. I need someone to tell me something. Tell me im not this sexual fiend. Tell me theres more to life than this. WHY CANT I GET IT?!!!!!!!!!!!! Why cant i stay away fr this?! Why do i wanna destroy the little bit of progress ive made??? Y do i look at these things? Y do i hold on to it as some cherished little fix?! Fast Sigh. I do. I take it as my little sweet cookie that i hide for myself when i need it, i can take it out. This stupid dumb sexual grip. It hangs me!!!! It has me. Im tellin u if the right person comes to me and asks for a kiss, i wud kiss them. They know who they are. Its t and j!!!
Feel like throwing up. I sometimes wonder how ill be able to live my future life bc right now i cant do without bstud the way it is or church w that worship leader. What happens when it all stops?  Everything is soooo perfect right now!!! My location, my rel w d.what happens when she gets married? What happens when bstudy stops?when like now, i cant text her as much?!! How do i survive? How does life seem meaningful? What happens when j moves and no longer calls as often? What happens to me? Yea my mom will be thrilled but does she see how unhappy and miserable i wud be? Damn. How do i make it? I wont have any happiness and joy if it all stops. Idk.dont like it one bit and there goes an opportunity for me to slide back and indulge. Will i ever be a big gurl and stop it and do right? Idk. I think i just love the pleasure too much.sigh.

D called wed

So glad u called and i was able to talk a lil.
Aug 6,Question.. what do u mean i have a weak mind?
Idk if i explained everything. I wish there was a play that would depict this but i havent seen any yet.
I want to explain or depict to you the torture im experiencing.
Most times when i text u, its really bad. I dont always text u right away. I try to deal w it myself first and if its getting harder or too much, u might see a text fr me.
Im not trying to cower but the constant battering does wear me down. I just dont like THIS specific temptation. Yes i get scared when it comes bc i feel ill fail.
Before i texted u, i was having a warm time. I thought i was gonna throw it all out. I even said it to myself… “just do it,go have some fun, its nothing much, its just something u do for urself,ur not hurting anyone!”.and i cant tell u how each of those reasonings grip me and like suffocate me. All day its been on me and i was tryin to fight it off. All day it came but i held it off. On top of that i wasnt doing good in the physical. Had no energy for nothing then this issue piled on top of that. Idk if im explaining it right. I want u to see how it torments me and how its not just a singular incident or event that causes it but it was a compilation of like i said, temptation fr this person, this in ur face aggression fr that person bc they wanted what they wanted and gave reason for it, then i saw this show w a scene in it. Then that same day i didnt get to worship and pray like ive been doing. And what im noticing is that if i slip up w that, then things get hard and crazy like this. And the thing is,is i wanted to and sensed the loss of not spending time w God.
The torture? Lets see, laying down and WANTING to fail. When that “want to” creeps up on me,i feel like ive lost already. I feel i shud just throw in the towel bc i already messed up by wanting to indulge! How do i pick up the bible and read it then, when i feel like i intentionally wanna sin? How is that respectful to God?
Thats what i dont get.
When i know i haven’t spent time w God for just two days and i feel like i fell off track, what do i do? This thing took advantage!  What do i do in cases like that? I dont wanna sound harsh or vulgar, but to explain my points i might have to be… what do i do when even watch anything sexual on tv is a trigger? Not majorly sexual, but even the slighest thing, is Not good for me. Am i that of a monster of wanting it all the time and being tempted at the littlest thing? Am i that far gone that anything will begin to reel me back in by the neck? Well however or whatever it is, it does just that!! It hooks me and drags me in.
Torture?i know i havent explained that much. But the torture is in my mind and desires i guess, of wanting to fall, of wanting sex and yet knowing i cant go that route. The torture of wanting ppl and friends in your life but hardly having none.that digs in me and makes me reach out for ppl to care. I dont know how to get it thru my head to stop wanting ppl.
Another torture is the destruction of myself. As crazy as it sounds, in the past i found out that all my habits and addictions were all destroying me. And i dont mean that in an observatory way but in a personal intentional way. What i mean is like, i willingly went in to destroy myself. Do u get it? Like now, earlier i told myself, tho on the contrary ive been doing good, to just go and do it! Go sin, go watch some porn, u know u wanna do it, just do it, so and so have done it, just go do ur thing, nothing else is working out, destroy urself. Thats hard to admit but thats how wicked it wud get some time and even worse bc my mind wud be sooo negative and worst stuff would come out. Today it was just a lil bit, but it felt so familiar, like an old friend who knew what i had wanted and i wud need. The past has been so very bad for me and if a tinge of it comes up, im get terrified bc i know the whole package that comes along.
Continue next morning, 823am, Aug 7.
I think ive been doing good. Ive been learning alot about worship and holding on to God thru it.
And its been an eye opener and a breakthu, truly. Unfortunately It was just subtle how these other stuff come at me. And when it does, its like everything gets thrown out the window and i dont remember how to deal w it.
Im tellin u fr Mon when i didnt spend enough time w God till wed, i felt all my energy zapped! On wed evening i was gone. Just the slight mentions or desire wud cause me to relinquish control.i was certain i wud have indulged , thats y i wrote u. I was extremely afraid bc i havent had those self destructive thoughts since last year. I dont wanna get back there Dionne. When destructive and negative thoughts came, i quickly ignored it bc i know where it gets me and i know where i am now. I do not wanna go back to thinking negative alllll the time. I hate when i start thinking negative. It changes my whole life and outlook. Omg!!!
Theres just so much. Even tho it looks like im talkin ab one issue, it is everything combined!!!
On the 1hand, i do feel very compelled to indulge, and feel very afraid and vulnerable when any and ALL SEXUAL advances present itself..i do hate that ab myself. I sometimes wonder if its realistic of what im doing, to try to stay away fr any sexual stuff when i been doing it for years!!! I sometimes think you all are asking for the impossible! Cause sexual sins have one of the greatest power over me, along w my mothers arguments &manipulations.
Back to what i was saying…the sexual world has a lure to it that i can hardly resist. Thats y i do freak out when it even whispers to me bc i know myself. In desperation i cud turn to it at any moment. How do u break that hold? How do u deal w the “want to”?
To add some other things quickly.. 2nd-BOREDOM is killing me here. I thought i was gonna lose my mind last week. U guys dont believe me or dont understand me, but it gets to me. I cannot stand it!!!
3rd-ANGER & frustration w my mom. I texted u some of my feelings w that. Again when that comes up,it comes up. Its been coming up weekly for the past 2weeks. It is also something that is huge& i do not know how to deal with it.
4- advancing myself. As odd or easy as this may seem, i struggle w getting myself better. Example? Wud u believe that it was a major struggle to correct my resume?!!! I remember that day last week bc it was sooo hard. I thought i was going nuts as i had to force myself to actually sit down and work on my resume.
I remember standing by the washer machine and having a hard time in my mind. It is soo crazy. I cant explain it but it is familiar bc in my past and thruout all my past, its been hard to do things that wud advance myself. I wud categorize this in that self destructive area. For some reason i cannot get the focus or strength to make myself better. And i am not trying to be pitiful and put on a victim mentality. I want u to understand that it is just something that blocks me from doing the right things that wud advance me. It is real and it is a monster to deal with.
Last week i had to do sooo much praying just to break thru that, whatever it is, to do my resume!!! What is that???? Idk. And the thing too, after i did the resume,it was easy. Idk y i resisted so much.
Whats ur insights on that?
All i can say, is that it reminds me of the past 10 years of doing nothing and destroying myself thru these sexual stuff. It seemed the more i dipped into the sexual stuff and destroyed myself, the more my regular life wuld seem impossible to get thru. I am not exaggerating. Pls take it word for word. I am telling u something that may sound off, but up to last week, ive seen the same thing of not being able to fill out my resume. It is a giant monster. This thought of just lay down and let it all be destroyed. This laydownand let ppl love u. This twisted need.
But as it exists in me, i am also reaching out to God.
Its tough. I know u want me to press. I understand. I have been trying my best to not go back to negative thinking. I do feel different,my minds been freer and not bogged down w that weight, it has changed.
I dont wanna go back.
And thats what i was thankful for yday, that even tho i wanted to throw it all away and indulge, my mind went to how i wud feel afterwards.i knew i wud start beating myself up, i knew i wud feel devastated after coming this far and fallin back. My mind passed the pleasure to the aftermath. I also thought ab the rapist thing u said but thats such a strong example so it came and left quickly .
Anyways, problems upon problems. Guess it makes no sense to list it all bc we all have them.  I just hope i can continue. (Woooo.. short of breath, dky)
I wanna get better. I kno where ive been and i see myself coming out of it. I know i need to not love self destruction anymore. This falling and getting up all the time. I need to stop it. I need to embrace this new thing ofnot falling, not indulging.
Its so weird how we like the familiar. Its so sad when we want what we always had. Its so sad when time has been attached to ur bondage. The length of time and familiarity makes it that much stronger and desirable.
This strong sexual appetite that i have, this destructive anger that arises, this boredom that strangles me,this barrier of stagnation that hinders me fr overcoming in my natural life, this control and fear my mom brings, i want gone! I wanna get stronger but also know these are 5great giants in my life. I am tying. I have to try.

—(Break)730am aug 7,
Play w fire? Mmm. Good point. Thanks for always sayin it like it is. 🙂 And ur right i havent had a phone in a while so i cud see how u think i gave out my #. Haha.
But No i didnt give them my number. I spoke to them thru somebody elses phone. And it was a male, to be honest. He had leverage bc he brought up& wanted something i had done w him in the past. He was very persistent and aggressive :(( Never seen someone like that in a while.
But its Not gonna happen again.i do see that It is ahh.. it is.., an avenue, an option…yeah fire that i need to stay away from.
What i learned is to not even listen to them kinda arguments bc it has influence whether i like it or not. I felt that 😦
Sighhh. U remind me of these 2 #s i have. One got transferred to my phone when i uploaded my gmail account. I havent contacted her tho. I guess i cud delete that one? the other # i got recently bc it got changed & was talking to her about some job she knows about. Do i keep her #? Also shes kinda a relative. Is that reason to keep it?
Ugh!! This brings up that anxious fearful feeling i get when i share about my past. 😦

Rebuke/ resist-i ask ab that bc i hate feeling tortured. The twisting and turning in bed to get some kinda peace is torturous so i wonder if rebuking will instantly stop that at that moment.
Other issues, cyst, infertility,try to tell myself these are small issues but it stilll has its way of getting to me.

What i want wednesday off track

What i want wednesdays? Lol.
Aug 6,721pm, layin on the bed, listening to elevation pastor ab loving the mud.
Problem? Im sticky, didnt bathe all day, bro been bugging me ab when am i gonna start exercising, on top of that im craving food everywhere, plus i didnt call the loan ppl, nor did i completely clean my room, and also no energy today, didnt get to do devotions, ah!! So not a good day. Sure not the worst of days, but it is a side track not on point as ive been. I see stuff creeping in and it started this week maybe bc i was busy on mon and tues. Mon was a good outing and tues was another outing w xo and a few tempts. So im off track. I been wanting it alot. And im moving slow. Im not even applying to jobs or remembering that i gotta move forward. Damn! Need to be on track. Wish d cud meet up w me and we can hang and talk and pray. Y cant that happen besides a friday or a group outing? God i wanna meet w her on a regular alone. As off as this sounds, i wanna really break down. Like on the morning of Monday, where i woke up feeling all the things ive been thru, i replayed it my head/dream and i finally realized how much ive been thru. Oh God.y am i slipping off the path?? What happened? Reach to me again Jesus. Accomplish the impossible in me. Break the sexual addictions that are in my life! Help me to remember about worship to You and devotion of my life and body parts to You, Christ!
Aug6-1112pm, found out theres no bstud and ofcourse thats bad news to hear cuz i love its effectiveness and power. Damn. I was already having a lousy sloppy sluggish, stinky no energy day!!!  Now this.and also been wanting to induge tho i wonder what for if i know how it gets me afterwards. Ugh! This thought just ran by me, as i thought of franciscos offer, in my greedy state,and i ask myself if hes really happy doing what he does and being w who hes with?!! Is he really happy? Then i flip it to myself and ask am i really happy? The answer is noooo. I am soo not strong alone tho i can be alone but what makes me unhappy is wanting friends and lovers and having none. I feel like i NEED someone in my life whos a constant!!! Goshhh. Hate when i get like this.
Sighhh.i dont wanna start w the negativity cus thatll be too much.
Damn!!! Why cant d write back?????!!!! Why dont she text more? Again, why did i spill everything for her to know and leave me?!!!! Hate that also xos been busy. Things have changed so much. She started dating guys and is living her life. Its later for me in that area and im suppose to be doing better tho i feel im not this week. I have a bad feeling,plus i have no spiritual energy.
Dang dang!
I need to talk to u d. Im goin bonkers if i try to settle down. Idk y i wanna destroy myself thruthis.on top of everything not working out in my life, here i am just wanting to go for it. Im better a whole lot, no neg thinking, no arg fr mom, no immediate stress but just the pressure of wanting to indulge . Damn stupidness. It cud be if im bored and just want some loving and friends too. The triggers are everything. It is anything i want, anything that wud drive me there so i can be satisfied or escape pain. Stupid shitman!
I think im gonna have to take sleeping pills to go to bed. Im not in a good spot stupid and infantile as my issues are compared to others,just know its doing its work and torturing me.
I cannot bother! I cannot bother. I cannot bother! These night are crazy. Stupid haunting me. Im gonna have to take pills to get knocked out. I cant do this. Too much up.n downs,

Slight tempts

August 5 after midnight so its now the 6th.
Does anybody else stay up late like i do?not like i do but geez. Who can i write to now and get a response at 2:03am? As i was at the pool on monday i was again reminded how wordly ppl get together more than xns and that sucks balls alot. Y do xns stay mad secluded and private?i hate it. Everyones too busy, everyones living their life and not seeing the need for friends. Y is that? Do they outgrow it?i mean no bc even families hang out but these xn friends of mine? Hell no.ah. annoying,.
Anyways wasnt here to write ab that: guess it bothers me then.
Here to say i wanna but shudnt. (Wanna feel?
X At tho its n v. )Got a few tempts today w francis pressuring and giving reasons he wants to,and watching breaking bad,and meeting xos friend. of dem days thats rare where i go out and see diff things, eat,and come back home wondering. Mmm.
Now as i lay at night, it all comes back tho not as attacking but its slightly there and tho slight i wanna dive bc it seems fun, gosh!!!